Tuesday, May 7, 2013

#5 Favorite Hero

Dum da da dum DA! FAVORITE HERO! and it's NOT Hercules.

Flynn Ryder

I love Flynn Ryder. He's probably one the better guy Disney characters-but the voice acting also helps. I loved this character from the very beginning of the movie...and then loved him even more when he got hit with a frying pan...and decided he was one of my favorite characters when he sang "I See The Light."

(This song will be blogged about later...but it is one of my favorite things Alan Menken has ever written...)

Flynn's relationship with Maximus and Pascal is also one of the reason I like him.

He has a dream. Too bad his dream stinks. *brownie points to anyone who caught that!* But his dream is soon interrupted when he meets the lovely Rapunzel. She was his new dream. 
It's so mushy and beautiful-Flynn turns into a hopeless romantic-how cute. 
He's the perfect hero. Saves a damsel in distress and falls in love with her. While this is every fairytale story, theres just something about Flynn that puts him at the top. He's definitely the funniest of the Hero's in my opinion. 

Well, there you have it, Flynn's is my favorite hero. Do you feel the same as me? Or do you think your favorite is better? HMM! 

Enjoy this animation I did with two of my friends. My character is the blue one. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

#4 Favorite Prince

This one may come as a surprise to those who know me. You might assume that since Belle is my favorite princess and I love Beauty and the Beast that this one is a given...but no.
Here's my favorite!

Prince Philip
Surprised? Whose surprised?

For some odd reason, I really like Prince Philip. Is it the fact that he fights off Maleficent? No. Or maybe because he has a good voice? Nope. Why do I like him?
Don't tell me I'm the only one annoyed with the unknown named prince in Snow White or Prince Charming...they make a total of 2 appearances! Ok, I'm done with my rant...
Philip doesn't have that glazed over look like the ones before him either which is also nice, he actually has a role in this movie. This prince actually has a sense of humor folks. 
He even sings! I love the scene with him and Briar Rose in the forest when they're dancing. 

                                  (Adding this picture because the look on his face is priceless)

So there you have it! That's my favorite prince! Check in tomorrow for favorite Hero! Should be a good one ;)

Do you have a favorite prince?

Here's an intro to what my final project with my clown will look like! The final will be up friday! 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

#3 Favorite Heroine

Princess....Heroine....hmmm....there's a difference? After figuring it out with a friend, I have picked a character...

I've always had a love for Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's amazing how many people hate or strongly dislike this movie and the characters. One thing that I've found out is that people still love the music, or most of it. Frollo's fascination with Esmeralda is creeper-ish and is one of the reasons this movie gets a bad rep.  But anyway, let's talk about Esmeralda.

I just love her. I love her character design (animation geek) and the role she plays in the movie. I think my favorite scene is when she saves Quasimodo from the humiliating crowd in the square.
Her relationship with Phoebus is one of the things that really makes this movie, and adds the right amount of humor to her character. And she has a goat as a side kick which is pretty cool.

And she has one of the best songs written for a Disney 90's movie...

What's your favorite Disney Heroine? 

Enjoy a foam clown puppet turning around! 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

#2 Favorite Princess

My first thought when I read this was....I have no idea.  Once I thought about it I was able to come up with an answer but to be honest, I didn't really grow up LOVING the princesses.  Yes, I did collect the dolls when I was little, and I have my favorite but I wasn't much of a girly girl to the point of always wanting to see the princesses at the parks, but rather Minnie or Pluto.  Maybe it's because those characters actually talk to you...which I found to be awkward-and still do to this day but anyway, that's beside the point.

My favorite princess by far is Belle.
I always liked her when I was little because I was a book worm just like her. I had this constant longing to dress up as her for Halloween too, but not in the yellow gown, but her blue dress and apron with a basket and a book. I think it also had something to do with the fact that I was so against wearing a wig that I had to pick a character that had the same color hair as me. Thinking back to my childhood, I think I really connected to Belle with the whole book worm part of things, and the fact that she was different and everyone in town thought she was odd. Growing up homeschooled, I was always the odd one out of the group, just like Belle. 
Beauty and the Beast, along with Little Mermaid, was always one of my favorite princess movies, as well as the musical. I've seen Beauty and the Beast 3 times professionally done and it is still my favorite. 
I've come to love the lyrics in one of Belle's songs..."I want adventure in the great wide somewhere"...because I do, someday. 

To close, I'd like to introduce everybody to Charlotte, my Dino-Berry. By far my favorite and best 3D project! I'll have her lit and rendered out hopefully this weekend. She's gonna be a hit in animation showcase in two weeks!! 

What's your favorite Disney Princess and why? 

Friday, May 3, 2013

30 Day Disney Challenge: #1 Favorite Character

That's an insane question...can anyone pick just one Disney character that's considered their favorite?  Pushing Mickey and Minnie aside, because they're everyones favorite, here's some of my additional favorites.

The best quote from this character that I always remember is "days...weeks...months...who knows."
 I grew up always loving Winnie the Pooh and never actually having a favorite character from the movies and series. The TV show was one of the best parts of my childhood and I loved all the movies that followed. Eeyore always caught my attention because I constantly felt bad for him and wanted him to have a friend. The poor donkey just wanted a friend. 
Funny side story: about a week ago, one ofm y close friends realized that some of the characters have names like Kanga and Roo spell out Kangaroo....MIND BLOWN! Then obviously Rabbit is a rabbit, and Owl is an owl, Piglet is a small pig, Tigger is a tiger [just subtract the double ga ;) bonus points to anyone who picked up on that], and Gopher is a gopher. I don't think I'm forgetting any...

Anybody that knows me well would most likely guess that Bashful is my favorite character. Long drawn out story short, when I was little and was getting my first pet, I got a Netherland Dwarf rabbit. Being the Disney geek, I decided I wanted to name it after one of the 7 dwarves. I was REALLY close to naming him Grumpy since he hated me for the first couple months but for some reason that I do not recall at this time, I decided on Bashful. 
(pardon the age of this picture...couldn't find a more recent one) 
Since having Bashful, I started loving the actual Disney dwarf and would go on to start a Bashful collection. Fellow Disney lovers out there...do you have ANY idea how hard it is to find Bashful things? ITS DIFFICULT!  
But look at this face...worth searching all over the internet and random places to acquire souvenirs. 

I think that about wraps up my favorite characters. 
What's your favorite Disney characters? Comment! Tell me! It'll be fun! 

I leave you with a banana chicken I modeled/textured/lit it 3D class. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Videos from Spring Semester

Well hmm, it's been a REALLY long time since I posted on here.
Decided to post some animations and projects I've done this semester! Hope you enjoy them!

Frog Ball 3D 
Stop Motion Musical Chairs
The finished product of my foam clown puppet. 

That's just a quick update of what I've been working on. Hopefully I'll have more to show later. I'll be updating everyday now blogging the 30 day Disney challenge. Then I'll get back into the habit of blogging and will be posting a project video or picture as well. 

Until tomorrow, TTFN!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

It's February!

Survived my first week and still love what I do so that's a plus! I can now say that I have created a zoetrope! It looks nothing like the example in the last blog, but I am pretty proud of it! Especially for being my first one.
It's waves!! I learned a lot about camera's while shooting this project and what not to do-one big learning experience.

Here's a little update on my version of Howl's Moving Castle...
I'm SUPER proud of this! This is probably my favorite project I've done so far this semester. The next step for this is to make a camera move with this picture and the MANY layers drawn here. I'm also contemplating making the propellers actually move so I may be making this more advanced than I originally planned but that's the point of this major-doing whatever you can do showcase your talent.

And with that, I conclude this post with one of my favorite short animations :)