Friday, May 3, 2013

30 Day Disney Challenge: #1 Favorite Character

That's an insane question...can anyone pick just one Disney character that's considered their favorite?  Pushing Mickey and Minnie aside, because they're everyones favorite, here's some of my additional favorites.

The best quote from this character that I always remember is "days...weeks...months...who knows."
 I grew up always loving Winnie the Pooh and never actually having a favorite character from the movies and series. The TV show was one of the best parts of my childhood and I loved all the movies that followed. Eeyore always caught my attention because I constantly felt bad for him and wanted him to have a friend. The poor donkey just wanted a friend. 
Funny side story: about a week ago, one ofm y close friends realized that some of the characters have names like Kanga and Roo spell out Kangaroo....MIND BLOWN! Then obviously Rabbit is a rabbit, and Owl is an owl, Piglet is a small pig, Tigger is a tiger [just subtract the double ga ;) bonus points to anyone who picked up on that], and Gopher is a gopher. I don't think I'm forgetting any...

Anybody that knows me well would most likely guess that Bashful is my favorite character. Long drawn out story short, when I was little and was getting my first pet, I got a Netherland Dwarf rabbit. Being the Disney geek, I decided I wanted to name it after one of the 7 dwarves. I was REALLY close to naming him Grumpy since he hated me for the first couple months but for some reason that I do not recall at this time, I decided on Bashful. 
(pardon the age of this picture...couldn't find a more recent one) 
Since having Bashful, I started loving the actual Disney dwarf and would go on to start a Bashful collection. Fellow Disney lovers out you have ANY idea how hard it is to find Bashful things? ITS DIFFICULT!  
But look at this face...worth searching all over the internet and random places to acquire souvenirs. 

I think that about wraps up my favorite characters. 
What's your favorite Disney characters? Comment! Tell me! It'll be fun! 

I leave you with a banana chicken I modeled/textured/lit it 3D class. 


  1. I like your 3D model, its very impressive to me! :) And I am partial to Muchu from Mulan as my favorite! :)

  2. Sulley of course. I do like Mulan but that's because of the music. Have to love Tangled too.
