My first thought when I read this was....I have no idea. Once I thought about it I was able to come up with an answer but to be honest, I didn't really grow up LOVING the princesses. Yes, I did collect the dolls when I was little, and I have my favorite but I wasn't much of a girly girl to the point of always wanting to see the princesses at the parks, but rather Minnie or Pluto. Maybe it's because those characters actually talk to you...which I found to be awkward-and still do to this day but anyway, that's beside the point.
My favorite princess by far is Belle.

I always liked her when I was little because I was a book worm just like her. I had this constant longing to dress up as her for Halloween too, but not in the yellow gown, but her blue dress and apron with a basket and a book. I think it also had something to do with the fact that I was so against wearing a wig that I had to pick a character that had the same color hair as me. Thinking back to my childhood, I think I really connected to Belle with the whole book worm part of things, and the fact that she was different and everyone in town thought she was odd. Growing up homeschooled, I was always the odd one out of the group, just like Belle.
Beauty and the Beast, along with Little Mermaid, was always one of my favorite princess movies, as well as the musical. I've seen Beauty and the Beast 3 times professionally done and it is still my favorite.
I've come to love the lyrics in one of Belle's songs..."I want adventure in the great wide somewhere"...because I do, someday.
To close, I'd like to introduce everybody to Charlotte, my Dino-Berry. By far my favorite and best 3D project! I'll have her lit and rendered out hopefully this weekend. She's gonna be a hit in animation showcase in two weeks!!
What's your favorite Disney Princess and why?
Snow White cause she makes it ok to be pale.