Sunday, May 5, 2013

#3 Favorite Heroine

Princess....Heroine....hmmm....there's a difference? After figuring it out with a friend, I have picked a character...

I've always had a love for Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's amazing how many people hate or strongly dislike this movie and the characters. One thing that I've found out is that people still love the music, or most of it. Frollo's fascination with Esmeralda is creeper-ish and is one of the reasons this movie gets a bad rep.  But anyway, let's talk about Esmeralda.

I just love her. I love her character design (animation geek) and the role she plays in the movie. I think my favorite scene is when she saves Quasimodo from the humiliating crowd in the square.
Her relationship with Phoebus is one of the things that really makes this movie, and adds the right amount of humor to her character. And she has a goat as a side kick which is pretty cool.

And she has one of the best songs written for a Disney 90's movie...

What's your favorite Disney Heroine? 

Enjoy a foam clown puppet turning around! 

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