Monday, May 6, 2013

#4 Favorite Prince

This one may come as a surprise to those who know me. You might assume that since Belle is my favorite princess and I love Beauty and the Beast that this one is a given...but no.
Here's my favorite!

Prince Philip
Surprised? Whose surprised?

For some odd reason, I really like Prince Philip. Is it the fact that he fights off Maleficent? No. Or maybe because he has a good voice? Nope. Why do I like him?
Don't tell me I'm the only one annoyed with the unknown named prince in Snow White or Prince Charming...they make a total of 2 appearances! Ok, I'm done with my rant...
Philip doesn't have that glazed over look like the ones before him either which is also nice, he actually has a role in this movie. This prince actually has a sense of humor folks. 
He even sings! I love the scene with him and Briar Rose in the forest when they're dancing. 

                                  (Adding this picture because the look on his face is priceless)

So there you have it! That's my favorite prince! Check in tomorrow for favorite Hero! Should be a good one ;)

Do you have a favorite prince?

Here's an intro to what my final project with my clown will look like! The final will be up friday! 

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